12 Dec Which Type of Wig is Better For You a U-Part or a Lace Front
First things first: ultimately, you get to decide which U-part or lace front wig is best for you; we’re just here to help you analyze the pros and disadvantages of the many possibilities. It’s not always easy to choose between U-part or lace front wigs. A lace front is a terrific solution for anyone who wants to hide their thinning hair, but it can lead to traction alopecia if not placed properly.
For a more realistic look, a U-part wig may be the way to go, but beware of heat damage and breakage while styling your leave-out with heated equipment.
That’s why we’re breaking down the finer points of both choices so you can make an informed decision the next time you need a new wig.
Since your natural hair may be cornrowed in place and the wig still provides full coverage, lace front wigs are a great option for anyone interested in using the hair in a protective style. One more advantage is that, because they rest so close to the scalp, you can experiment with all sorts of new hairdos. Wigs can be divided in a variety of ways, and if they’re high quality, no one will be able to tell that you’re not actually sporting your natural hair.
A lace front made of human hair requires minimal upkeep. For safekeeping, Jesseca Dupart, CEO and founder of Kaleidoscope Hair Products, suggests placing the wig on a wig stand when it is not in use.
Human hair might shed more than usual if knots aren’t combed out on a regular basis, therefore she recommends brushing it out frequently. Kaleidoscope Hair Products Milkshake Detangling Spray, which is blended with organic coconut milk to gently soften, makes hair easy to handle, and is recommended by the company because knots tend to form at the nape of the neck and at the base of the scalp.
Every eight to ten uses, give it a thorough wash and condition.
Brushing synthetic hair too often might cause it to break and tangle, so it’s best to use a cleansing rinse made from three parts water and one part apple cider vinegar.
There are benefits to using a wig, but improper application might lead to a weakened hairline.
The condition known as traction alopecia can be brought on by wearing a wig that is too tight, Dupart. Also, synthetic bands in wigs can cause problems for persons with sensitive skin, and gluing or bonding wigs is bad for the hair if done incorrectly or at all.
Keep in mind that you should avoid tweezing the hairline and scratching your scalp while wearing it. She says, “Your hair naturally sheds, and if you overly tweeze, you’ll have to replace the frontal section, or even the whole wig, once it becomes too thin.” Avoid using anything sharp to hurt your scalp, since this could damage the lace front.
Since some of your own hair will be visible, U-part wigs provide a more customized fit and a more realistic final product than other types of wigs. You’re free to cut your bangs or fringe in whatever way you desire, too.
A lot of people who want longer hair but don’t like the permanence of weaves prefer these instead.
U-part wigs are cared for and stored in the same way as lace fronts.
Alopecia areata can be caused by putting too much pressure on the scalp, so be careful when clipping in the wig. The wig’s size is also an important consideration while making your selection.
Dupart warns that “if the wig is excessively tiny or large, it might then lead to pulling,” which can damage the lace because of its fragility.
Constant use of hot tools to assist merge your hair with the wig can cause serious heat damage, breakage, and split ends, which is a con despite the fact that leaving out your hair can give you a more natural finish. Therefore, it is important to learn how to style hair without using excessive heat.