20 Oct Outfits That Will Make You Standout While Wearing A Long Sleeve Tee
While a long-sleeved tee might not be the most revolutionary piece of clothing, it can still make a statement with the right outfit. Check out these outfits that will make you standout and elevate your wardrobe game beyond the typical long-sleeved tee and jeans combo.
Even though long-sleeved t-shirts are an essential for the colder months, many still don’t own any. They are worn when the temperature is too high for a t-shirt but not quite cold enough for a jumper. Also, they’re great for wearing underneath thinner jackets.
If the term “long-sleeved t-shirt” makes you think of baggy, graphic-heavy 90s fashions, rest assured that the modern version is more slim-fitting. Like your favorite short-sleeved tee, it can easily cross over into smart-casual territory if it is neither too tight nor too loose.
Though this cut works best for those with athletic physiques, those who are self-conscious about their breast or waistline may find that darker colors like grey, black, and navy help to hide their flaws.
Some ideas are as follows:
The dark denim and suede boots elevate the t-shirt to the level of “smart casual,” and the result is excellent. The fact that it’s made up of the simplest of items just adds to the outfit’s air of refined elegance.
This ensemble is a great way to see if you like the oversized trend, which is visible all over Thread’s East London headquarters and warehouse. The combination of neutral and complimentary hues gives the overall effect of being well-coordinated rather than haphazard (dark green, black and white)
This is a fantastic choice if you need to dress formally but don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. Everything is so hip and contemporary, and yet so savvy. The use of a light color scheme makes the design seem even more modern and energizing.
It’s the simplest thing to throw on, but the layering and dark denim pants give the impression that you’ve put some thought into your ensemble. If it’s warm, just wear the t-shirt; if it’s chilly, throw on the checked shirt (and ball it up to throw in your bag if it warms up again). Like a checkered shirt since it makes you feel more relaxed than when you’re wearing a solid color.